Crime and safety are important factors that can impact social, economic, and political stability. This category includes metrics such as homicide rate, robbery rate, incarceration rate, and police-to-citizen ratio. Corruption, terrorism, and human trafficking are also included.
48 topics
Article | Description |
Acid Attack Statistics by Country | |
Burglary Rates by Country | |
Child Trafficking by Country | Data and analysis on the incidence of child trafficking by country, including the percentage of human trafficking victims who are children, countries with the highest rates of child trafficking, and countries where child trafficking happens the most. |
Countries with the Most Car Accidents | Information on which of the world's countries have the most traffic accidents, including discussion of the leading causes of traffic accidents. |
Countries with the Most Serial Killers | List of countries ranked by number of serial killers, including serial killers by country and countries with the most serial killers. |
Crime Rate by Country | Data and analysis about the overall crime rate of every country in the world, including the factors that influence crime rate by country, and identifying the countries with the highest crime rates in the world. |
Drug Use by Country | Data and statistics on drug use by country, including which countries have the highest drug use, countries that use the most drugs, and which country is the drug capital of the world. |
Femicide Rates by Country | Rates of femicide per country, including countries with the highest femicide rates and countries with the lowest femicide rates. |
Global Terrorism Index by Country | |
Gun Deaths by Country | Data, information, and analysis regarding the number of gun deaths in every country of the world, including gun deaths in the United States. |
Gun Violence by Country | Data and analysis on the level of gun violence in every country in the world, including the total firearm-related deaths, firearm-related homicides, firearm-related suicides, and unintended firearm-related deaths for each of the world's countries. |
Heroin Production by Country | Data on production of heroin per country, heroin production by country, countries that produce the most heroin, and leading heroin producers. |
Human Trafficking Rates by Country | |
Kidnappings per Country | Data pertaining to the number of people kidnapped around the world, sorted by the country in which the kidnapping took place. |
Mass Shootings by Country | Information, data, and analysis regarding the number of mass shootings in the United States as compared to the number of mass shootings in every country in the world. |
Missing Persons Statistics by Country | Details on the number of missing persons in various countries, including a reveal of the country with the highest number of missing persons and details on the legal definition of a missing person. |
Most Cocaine Use by Country | Details on the percentage of people in each country who use cocaine, an illegal, yet widely available drug. |
Most Dangerous Countries for Women | Comperhesive data on the most dangerous countries for women, ranking countries based on the Peace and Security Index (WPSI), lower scores indicate greater danger, and the Women Danger Index (WDI) where higher scores indicate greater danger. |
Most Dangerous Countries in Africa | Information detailing which countries in Africa are the most dangerous according to sources including the Global Peace Index. |
Most Dangerous Countries in Asia | |
Most Dangerous Countries in Europe | Information on which countries in Europe are the most dangerous to visit or live in. |
Most Dangerous Countries in North America | |
Most Dangerous Countries in South America | Details of which countries in South America are the most dangerous for both tourists and permanent residents. |
Most Dangerous Countries in the World | Details and data on the most dangerous countries in the world, created using an inversion of the Global Peace Index. |
Most Violent Countries | Detailed overview of the most violent countries based on various metrics, including the list of the top thirteen most violent countries as well as the top ten least violent countries. |
Murder Rate by Country | Detailed statistics on murder rate by country, giving insights into both the highest and lowest murder rates per one hundred thousand people. |
Opiate Usage by Country | Data and statistics on opiate usage by country with different categories showed in percentage of the country's total population, including which country has the highest opiate usage. |
Police Killings by Country | Comprehensive data on police killings by country, providing both the total number of police killings and the rate per ten million residents, with some interesting facts. |
Police Spending by Country | Overview of total police spending by country, along with interesting insights related to this topic, like which police carry guns, the total number of police officers, and others. |
Police Training Requirements by Country | Learn the differences in police training requirements from one country to another, including comparisons of how long it takes to complete police training in the United States, Norway, and more. |
Rape Statistics by Country | Data on rape statistics by country through the years, one of the hardest topics out there, with information on the reported number of cases per 100 thousand and other details. |
Recidivism Rates by Country | A brief overview of recidivism rates by country, providing insight into global trends in repeat offending. |
Red List Countries | Information on red list countries ranked by travel advisory levels, calculated by multiple factors. |
Road Deaths by Country | Per-country comparisons of the number of road deaths in various countries, |
Safest Countries in Africa | Data on the safest countries in Africa, including Africa's safest countries and which country is the safest in Africa |
Safest Countries in Asia | Details on which Asian countries are the safest, based upon Global Peace Index scores and national crime rates. |
Safest Countries in Europe | Details on the safest countries in Europe, including Europe's safest countries and which European countries are the safest. |
Safest Countries in North America | Details on the safest countries in North America. |
Safest Countries in Oceania | Details on which countries in Oceania are the safest, including the absolute safest country in Oceania: New Zealand. |
Safest Countries in South America | Data and analysis regarding the safest countries in South America, including Global Peace Index ratings as well as various crime statistics. |
Safest Countries in the Caribbean | |
Safest Countries in the World | Detailed data on which countries are the safest in the world, including data from the Global Peace Index, US News, and TravelSafe Abroad. |
School Shootings by Country | Comprehensive data on school shootings by country through the years, including recent incidents like those in Serbia and the Czech Republic. |
Stabbing Deaths by Country | Statistics on stabbing deaths by country, detailing the number of knife-related deaths as well as the rate per 100,000 people, including the answer to which country has the most stabbing deaths. |
State Sponsors of Terrorism | State sponsors of terrorism, also known as SSOT, refer to countries identified by the United States as actively supporting terrorist organizations or activities. |
Tax Evasion Rates by Country | |
Terrorism Statistics by Country | Data on the number of terrorist attacks in different countries, including analysis of which countries receive the most terrorist attacks. |
Violent Crime Rates by Country | Comprehensive overview of violent crime rates by country, including a wide range of offenses as well as different top tens connected to specific types of violent crimes. |
36 topics