Economics is the study of how societies allocate and manage resources to meet human needs and wants. This category includes metrics such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, unemployment, and international trade. Other factors such as income distribution, government policies, and economic growth potential are also included.
192 topics
Article | Description |
Affordable Housing by Country | |
Age Dependency Ratio by Country | Details of the countries with the highest dependency ratios, including child dependency ratio, aged/elderly dependency ratio, and lowest overall dependency ratio. |
Automobile Tariffs by Country | List of automobile tariffs by country, including which countries charge tariffs on automobiles and answers to the question of what is the average tariff on an automobile. |
Average Net Worth by Country | Data and analysis on the average net worth by country, including average per capita net worth by country, which countries have the highest average net worth per capita and countries with the lowest average net worth. |
Best Countries to Hide Money | Information and analysis on the best countries to hide money, including which countries are the best for hiding money and countries where it is legal to hide money. |
Best Countries to Live In | Details of which countries are considered the best to live in based upon the United Nations' Human Development Index (HDI). |
Best Countries to Retire | Detailed data on the best countries to retire in, detailing information such as cost of living, healthcare quality, safety, climate, and other considerations that are important for retirees. |
Best Country to Live in Europe | Analysis on the best country to live in Europe, including which country in Europe is the best to live in, the best countries in Europe to live in, and the best place to live in all of Europe. |
Big Mac Index by Country | |
Billionaires by Country | Comprehensive overview of billionaires by country including the total number of billionaires, detailing the richest billionaire in the country, and additional relevant information. |
Binance Countries | List of binance countries, including a definition of binanace countries, what are binance countries, countries where binanace is banned/illegal, countries where binance is legal, and the biggest binance countries in the world. |
Bitcoin Mining by Country | Data and analysis on bitcoin mining by country, including countries were bitcoin mining is illegal, acceptance of crypto by country, and countries that do not regulate bitcoin mining and crypto. |
Bond Market Size by Country | |
Bottled Water Cost by Country | |
Brain Drain Countries | Data on brain drain countries including the definition of a brain drain country, which countries are brain drain countries, and how brain drain countries and immigration are connected. |
CAPE Ratio by Country | A brief overview of CAPE ratio by country also known as cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio including which country has the lowest CAPE ratio. |
Capital Gains Tax by Country | Data and analysis on capital gains tax per country, including countries with the highest capital gains tax, countries with low capital gains tax, and what different countries pay in capital gains tax. |
Capitalist Countries | Comprehensive overview of capitalist countries around the world, offering insights into economic freedom scores over time and other details from multiple sources. |
Car Exports by Country | |
Carbon Tax Countries | A list of countries that have implemented carbon taxes, along with details about the specific taxes imposed by each country. |
Cars by Country | |
Central Bank Rates by Country | |
Cheapest Countries to Live in | Detailed data on the cheapest countries to live in, highlighting the monthly cost of living in US dollars based on various factors. |
Cheapest European Countries | List of cheapest European countries highlighting the most economical places to live based on various factors such as cost of living, housing expenses, and basic necessities. |
China Exports by Country | Information on China's exports by country, including which countries get the most exports from China, United States imports from China, and which country exports the most to China. |
Coal Exports by Country | |
Coffee Exports by Country | |
Command Economy Countries | Data on command economy countries, showcasing nations where central authorities heavily regulate economic activities and resource allocation. |
Communist Countries | Comprehensive overview of communist countries with a detailed history of communism, including how many countries are considered communist today. |
Computer Exports by Country | |
Construction Cost Index by Country | |
Consumer Spending by Country | |
Container Port Traffic by Country | |
Core Countries | Brief overview of core countries with the definition of core countries and periphery countries including a list of core countries. |
Corporate Tax Rates by Country | Detailed overview of corporate tax rates by country through the years including which nation has the highest corporate tax rate |
Cost of Living by Country | Data and insight pertaining to the cost of living in many of the Earth's countries, from the countries with the highest cost of living in the world (the most expensive countries in the world) to the countries with the lowest cost of living in the world (the world's most affordable countries). |
Countries That Use Cryptocurrency | Details regarding countries in which cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Etherium are considered legal tender. |
Countries that Use Francs | List of countries that use the franc, including countries currently using the franc, countries other than France that use the franc, and countries that have used the franc throughout history. |
Countries that Use Pesos | Information about the monetary unit known as the peso, including details of which countries have used the peso throughout history and which countries currently use the peso. |
Countries that Use Pounds | List and details of countries and territories where the British pound sterling is the primary unit of currency. |
Countries That Use Rupees | Details of which countries use the rupee as their main unit of currency, including countries that used the rupee previously, but do not any longer. |
Countries That Use the Euro {year} | A list of countries that use the euro as their primary national currency. List includes European Union countries that use the euro, countries that use the euro but are not part of the EU, and territories that use the Euro. |
Countries that Use the US Dollar | Details on which of the world's countries use the United States dollar (USD) as their primary form of currency. |
Countries with Flat Tax | List of countries that have implemented a flat tax system, where individuals and businesses pay the same tax rate regardless of income level, with additional details on some exceptions. |
Countries with Free College | List of countries where a college education is either tuition-free or significantly subsidized by the government, offering valuable information on the accessibility of higher education worldwide. |
Countries with Negative Interest Rates | A brief overview of countries with a negative interest rate with a short list of nations that have a negative interest rate. |
Countries with Paid Sick Leave | List of countries that have paid sick leave, including details on which countries offer paid sick leave and countries where workers get paid sick leave. |
Countries with the Highest National Debt {year} | Detailed ranking of countries by national debt, as well as definitions of debt and debt to GDP ratio, an important indicator of a country's ability to carry and overcome debt. |
Countries with the Most Expensive Beer | List of countries with the most expensive beer, including the most expensive beer in the world and the most expensive alcohol in the world. |
Countries with Universal Basic Income | Comprehensive overview of countries with universal basic income (UBI) detailing the type of UBI, start date, end date (if applicable), and many more details. |
Countries without Central Banks | Brief overview of countries without central banks also known as a reserve bank providing information on this unusual practice with information on the current currency thay use. |
Countries without Credit Score | List of countries that do not track credit scores, including countries without credit scores, countries where credit scores do not matter, and countries that don't use credit scores. |
Countries Without Debt | |
CPM Rates by Country | |
Credit Rating by Country | Data regarding credit rating by country, including which countries have the highest credit ratings, which countries have the lowest credit ratings, and which countries have defaulted on their bonds. |
Debt to GDP Ratio by Country | Comprehensive overview of debt to GDP ratio by country, offering insights into the financial health and economic stability of various nations by comparing the amount of debt they hold against the size of their economies. |
Deindustrialisation by Country | |
Disposable Income by Country | Data and analysis on disposable income by country, including which countries have the highest disposable income, countries where people have the most disposable income, and various forms of income to consider when evaluating income. |
Doctor Pay by Country | |
Ease of Doing Business Index by Country | |
Economic Complexity by Country | Data on economic complexity by country, showcasing the diversity and sophistication of each nation's economy sourced from Harvard University and updated annually. |
Economic Freedom Index by Country | Data and analysis of economic freedom by country, offering information on each nation's index score, changes since 2022, and economic status. |
ECOWAS Countries | A concise overview of the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). |
Education Spending by Country | Detailed information on education spending by country, providing information on the investment each nation allocates towards its education system. |
EEA Countries / Countries of the European Economic Area | List of countries that belong to the European Economic Area (EEA), including a description of the organization and its intersection with the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). |
Effective Corporate Tax Rate by Country | Brief overview of the effective corporate tax rate by country, showcasing the tax rate floor, any applicable tax rate ceiling if different, and additional relevant details. |
EFTA Countries | European Free Trade Association | A brief overview of the member countries of the European Free Trade Association known as EFTA. |
Emerging Countries | Comprehensive overview of emerging countries offering insights into nations experiencing rapid economic growth and development. |
ePacket Countries {year} | Information on ePacket countries, providing information on nations involved in the ePacket shipping service around the world. |
Euro Health Consumer Index by Country | |
Eurodollar Countries | Data regarding Eurodollar countries, including the definition of a Eurodollar country and the difference between Eurodollar countries and Euro countries. |
European Countries with the Lowest Taxes | List of European countries with the lowest taxes, also known as the countries with the lowest taxes in Europe. Which country in Europe has the lowest taxes? Find out here. |
Exchange Rate Regime by Country | |
Exports by Country | Comprehensive analysis of exports by country, presenting detailed data and rankings on the export performance of nations worldwide, including information on each country's total export value and primary export products. |
Fastest Growing Economies | Comprehensive overview of the fastest growing economies around the world, providing data on nations experiencing rapid economic expansion including which country has the fastest growing economy. |
FATCA Countries | Information about countries using the Foreign Account Taxation Compliance Act (FATCA), including the difference between a FATCA Model 1 country and a Model 2 country, what FATCA countries are, and more. |
FATF (Financial Action Task Force) Countries | Details on what the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is, what it does, which countries are a part of it, and which countries the FATF has blacklisted. |
FDI by Country | Information regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) countries, including FDI rates per country, countries with the highest FDI inflow, and countries with the highest FDI outflow. |
First World Countries | Detailed list of countries that classify as First World countries, including history and definition of the term First World and its related terms, Second World and Third World. |
Food Self Sufficiency Rate by Country | |
Forex Reserves by Country | |
Fossil Fuel Subsidies by Country | Data and analysis on fossil fuel subsidies by country, including which countries give the biggest fossil fuel subsidies and which countries provide the most subsidies to fossil fuels. |
Fourth World Countries | List of countries considered to be Fourth World countries, in rough observance of the First-, Second-, and Third-World guidelines established by the French demographer Alfred Sauvy in 1952. |
G-24 Countries / Group of 24 Countries {year} | List and details of the countries in the Group of 24, alternately known as the G-24 (often abbreviated G24). |
G-77 Countries / Group of 77 Countries {year} | List and details of countries in the Group of 77, also known as the G-77 (often abbreviated G77). |
GDP Growth by Country | Countries listed by GDP growth, from the countries with the highest rate of GDP growth to the countries with the lowest GDP growth. Which country has the fastest GDP growth? Find out here. |
GDP per Capita by Country | Comprehensive overview of GDP per capita by country including the top ten countries with the highest GDP per capita as well as the lowest. |
Gini Coefficient by Country | A brief overview of the Gini coefficient by country, providing insights on income inequality levels across various nations worldwide. |
Global North Countries | Information regarding the countries of the Global North, as well as the Global South and the Brandt Line. |
Global South Countries | List of Global South countries with challenges in defining the Global South and explanation of what it is. |
GNI per Capita by Country | Information and analysis about Gross National Income (GNI) per capita by country, from the countries with the highest GNI per capita in the world to the countries with the lowest GNI per capita in the world. Computed using the Atlas method and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). |
GNP/GNI by Country | Detailed overview of GNP (Gross National Product) and GNI (Gross National Income) by country, including which country has the highest GNP. |
Gold Exports by Country | |
Google Pay Countries / List of Google Pay Countries | List of countries where Google Pay is accepted, list of Google Pay countries. |
Government Budget by Country | Brief overview of government budget by country including data for both gross national expenditure and gross capital formation. |
Gun Exports by Country | |
High Net Worth Individuals by Country | |
High-Income Countries | List of countries that fall into the high-income category, as ranked by the World Bank Country and Lending Groups. |
Highest Paid Government Leaders in the World | List of countries with the highest-paid government leaders, which countries have the highest-paid government leaders, and which government leaders are the highest paid. |
Highest Taxed Countries | Comprehensive overview of the highest taxed countries, providing information on the highest and lowest marginal rates, corporal and sale tax rates with important additional details. |
Hip Replacement Cost by Country | Data and comparisons of hip replacement cost by country, including which countries charge the most for hip replacements, countries in which hip replacements are expensive, and countries with the highest hip replacement costs. |
Historical GDP by Country | |
Home Ownership by Country | Data and analysis on home ownership by country, including countries with the highest percentage of home ownership and countries where the most people own their homes. |
How many Countries are in the World Bank in {year}? | List of countries that are members of the World Bank, including years each country joined the World Bank, total number of countries in the World Bank, and World Bank countries. |
Income Inequality by Country | Data and information on income inequality in each of the world's countries, as measured by the Gini coefficient. |
Inflation Rate by Country | Data on inflation rate for 180+ countries, including which countries have the highest inflation rates, which countries have the lowest inflation rates, and definitions of the 3 types of inflation index. |
Interest Rates by Country | |
Internet Cost by Country | Brief overview of internet cost by country showcasing affordability of internet services worldwide. |
Labor Force Participation Rate by Country | |
Leading Trade Partners by Country | Information on leading trade partners by country highlighting top import and export partner for each nation, as well as some additional export and import partners. |
Least Developed Countries | List and details of the least-developed countries in the world in terms of human development and economic self-sustainability. |
Legatum Prosperity Index | Details and rankings of each country's place in the Legatum Prosperity Index, including their rankings in more than a dozen subcategories. |
List of Tariffs by Country | Details about tariffs imposed by countries, which are taxes on goods imported from other nations, serve to generate revenue and frequently aim to shield domestic industries from foreign competitors who may offer lower prices, potentially undercutting local markets. |
Low-Income Countries | List and details of which countries are classified as low-income countries (low-income economies) according to the World Bank Country and Lending Groups |
M-Pesa Countries | Details on countries in which the M-Pesa mobile banking payment system is available, including Kenya, Tanzania, and DR Congo. M-Pesa is one of the most popular mobile-based financial services in the developing world. |
Maize Exports by Country | |
Major Countries Currencies | Brief overview of major countries and their respective currencies, providing information on the primary currencies used around the world. |
Manufacturing Countries | Information on the top manufacturing countries in the world, as well as the importance of manufacturing to a country's economy and the main products made in each of the world's leading manufacturing countries. |
Market Economy Countries | Comprehensive overview of market economy countries, including the top 25 most economically free countries in the world. |
Median Income by Country | Detailed information on median income by country, providing insights into the average earnings of individuals within each nation with additional details related to this topic. |
Medical Bankruptcies by Country | Brief overview of medical bankruptcies by country, focusing on instances where they occur despite being notably rare in most countries worldwide. |
Middle-Income Countries | List and details of which countries are classified as either upper-middle-income countries or lower-middle-income countries according to the World Bank Country and Lending Groups |
Millionaires by Country | Information of the number of millionaires by country, including the country with the most millionaires in the world and the total number of millionaires in the world. |
Minimum Wage by Country | Information on minimum wage by country including data for both annual minimum wage earnings and hourly minimum wage in US dollars. |
Most Developed Countries in Africa | Details regarding what |
Most Developed Countries in Latin America | Detailed profiles of the Latin American countries that are at the forefront of Latin America's rising level of economic development. |
Most Expensive Countries to Live In | Data and analysis regarding the countries with the highest living expenses in the world. |
Most Powerful Countries | Analysis of the most powerful countries around the world, based on various factors such as military strength, economic influence, and diplomatic power. |
Most Productive Countries | Information and analysis about the world's most productive countries, with a specific focus upon the most economically productive countries in the world, with analysis of economic metrics such as GDP per capita and GDP per hour worked. |
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Countries | A brief overview of North American Free Trade Agreement known as NAFTA including list of countries that are members. |
Natural Resources by Country | Data of natural resources by country, providing information on key resources such as minerals, energy sources, agricultural products, and more. |
Net International Investment Position by Country | Detailed data on net international investment position by country through the years showcasing a country’s internal economic well-being and its economic relationship with other countries as part of the global collective. |
Newly Industrialized Countries | List of newly industrialized countries with various information for each nation such as GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth, and human development index. |
OECD Countries | Lists countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), along with the date of their accession to the organization. |
OECD Tax Rates by Country | |
OFAC Countries | List of countries sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control known as OFAC, providing insights into nations subject to economic or trade restrictions due to national security concerns, terrorism financing, or other reasons considered harmful to U.S. interests. |
Personal Savings Rate by Country | Information on the saving habits of people in various countries, including countries in which families save most of their income and why some people have trouble saving money. |
PMI Index by Country | Comprehensive overview of Purchasing Managers' Index also known as the PMI, offering insights into the economic health and performance of different nations' manufacturing sectors based on various factors. |
Poorest Asian Countries | List of the poorest Asian countries, highlighting some of the poorest with reason behind it. |
Poorest Countries in Africa | List of poorest countries in Africa, the poorest continent in the world, highlighting the top ten poorest countries by GDP per capita and GNI per capita. |
Poorest Countries in Europe | Data of the poorest countries in Europe, providing insights into the economic conditions and challenges these countries face within the European region. |
Poorest Countries in North America | List of the poorest countries in North America, highlighting the 13 poorest countries with brief descriptions for each of them. |
Poorest Countries in South America {year} | List of the poorest countries in South America, sorted by factors including overall GDP and GNI per capita. |
Poorest Countries in the World | A comprehensive list of the poorest countries worldwide, ranking them based on various economic indicators such as GDP per capita and poverty rates, including the top ten poorest and richest countries around the world. |
Poverty Rate by Country | Comprehensive overview of the poverty rate by country measured as the percentage of the population living below the national poverty line, including what is number one country in poverty. |
Public Sector Size by Country | Brief overview of the public sector size by country, offering percentages of the workforce employed in the public sector. |
Purchasing Power Parity by Country | Data and analysis on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) conversion factor by country, including a definition of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and which countries have the highest and lowest Purchasing Power Parity conversion factors. |
Real Interest Rates by Country | |
Remittances by Country / Countries that Receive the Most Remittances | Details of which countries' citizens living and working overseas send the most money back to family and friends still living in their home country. |
Richest African Countries | Detailed data on the richest African countries, analyzing indicators such as GDP per capita, overall GDP, GNI per capita, and numerous other factors. |
Richest Asian Countries | List of the richest Asian countries, the largest of the seven continents, ranked by various factors including the richest Asian nation. |
Richest Countries in North America | List of the wealthiest countries in North America, offering insights into the economic standing of different countries in the region calculated by various factors. |
Richest Countries in South America | Brief overview of richest countries in South America, based on various factors, highlighting the top twelve richest countries in South America by GDP per capita. |
Richest Countries in the World | Details on the richest countries in the world, as measured by GDP per capita and GNI per capita. |
Richest European Countries | List of the wealthiest European countries based on various factors, highlighting the top ten richest countries by total GDP, GDP per capita GNI per capita, and much more information. |
Sanctioned Countries | List of sanctioned countries, detailing nations that are subject to economic or political sanctions imposed by international entities such as the United Nations or individual countries with the sanctioned date. |
Savings Rate by Country / Gross National Savings Rate by Country | Data on the Gross National Savings Rate for most of the world's countries. |
Second World Countries | Detailed list of countries that classify as Second World countries, including a history and definition of the term Second World and its related terms, First World and Third World. |
Semi-Periphery Countries {year} | List of countries classified as semi-periphery countries based upon world-systems theory, which was popularized by Immanuel Wallerstein in the 1970s. Under world-systems theory, every country fits one of three classifications: core, semi-periphery, or periphery. |
Share of Income Of the Richest One Percent by Country | |
Shilings Countries | List of countries that use the shilling as their currency, including details on its current status and historical usage dates. |
Small Islands Developing States | Brief overview of Small Island Developing States also known as SIDS, providing insight into the history and challenges of SIDS including UN recognition and geographic region of member nations. |
Social Mobility by Country | Detailed overview of social mobility by country, referring to the ability of individuals to move up or down the social ladder regardless of their background. |
Sovereign Wealth Funds by Country | Comprehensive overview of sovereign wealth funds by country, offering insights on investment funds owned and operated by a national government including which country has the most sovereign wealth fund. |
Standard of Living by Country | Quality of Life by Country | Data and analysis on the standard of living by country around the world, calculated by various factors such as income levels, access to healthcare, education, housing, and overall quality of life. |
Stock Exchanges by Country | Comprehensive overview of stock exchanges by country, including detailed information such as the number of stock exchanges in each country, the year of their foundation, the number of listings they host, and additional relevant details. |
Stock Market Capitalization by Country | Detailed data on stock market capitalization by country, providing insights into the relative economic importance of each nation's financial markets including interesting details related to this topic. |
Tax Haven Countries | An interesting overview of tax haven countries with a brief description of legal issues with tax havens, highlighting the the world's most renowned tax havens. |
Tax to GDP Ratio by Country | Brief overview of tax to GDP ratio by county including which country has the highest tax-to-GDP ratio. |
Tax Treaty Rates by Country | Lists and details of countries that have agreed to a tax treaty with the United States, as well as the tax treaty rates those countries have agreed to, from 5% to 15%. |
Tax-Free Countries {year} | Detailed information about every country in the world that has no income tax and a list of no-tax countries and territories. |
Tier 1 Countries | A list of countries that are considered Tier 1 for purposes of online advertising, as well as a quick definition of not just Tier 1 countries, but Tier 2, Tier 3, and beyond as well. |
Traditional Economy Countries | |
Ultra High Net Worth Individuals by Country | |
UN Funding by Country | Data on the level of United Nations (UN) funding provided by various countries, including countries that contribute the most money and countries that owe the United Nations money. |
Underdeveloped Countries | List of underdeveloped and (to use the more official term) least-developed countries as defined by multiple sources. |
Unemployment by Country | Comprehensive overview of unemployment rates around the world with percentages from various sources throughout the years. |
US Dollar Exchange Rate by Country | Detailed overview of the US dollar exchange rate by country, including national currency and currency code for each country. |
US Foreign Aid by Country | Brief overview of US foreign aid contributions to various countries, presenting rankings based on the amount of aid provided. |
US Oil Imports by Country | Data on US oil imports by country, highlighting the volume of oil imported from various nations over time. |
US Tax Treaty Countries {year} | Brief overview of countries with which the United States has tax treaties, highlighting some of the biggest United States trade partners. |
US Trade Deficit by Country | Comprehensive data on the US trade deficit by country, providing detailed information on imports, exports, trade balance, and total trade values. |
VAT Tax by Country | Data on the Value-Added Tax (VAT) in various countries, including countries with the highest VAT taxes. |
Wealth Inequality by Country | Detailed overview of wealth inequality by country, providing insight sights into the distribution of wealth across different countries, highlighting the top ten with the highest wealth inequality as well as the lowest. |
Wealth per Adult by Country | Data on wealth per adult by country, providing insights into individuals' financial well-being in different nations. |
What Countries have Four-Day Work Weeks in {year}? | List and details of countries in which the work week is four days long rather than the traditional five-day work week. |
What Country has the Highest Paid Government Leader in {year}? | Details on countries with the highest-paid government leaders, including which government leaders make the most money and which countries pay their government leaders the most. |
Where-to-Be-Born Index by Country / Where to Be Born Index | Detailed description of the Where-to-Be-Born Index (alternately written as the Where to Be Born Index), including a list of the best countries to be born in and the methodology used by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) when compiling the index. |
Which Countries are on the Gold Standard in {year}? | Information about which countries use the gold standard, which countries used the gold standard in the past, and which country invented the gold standard. |
Which Currency is the Most Valuable in {year}? | Details on which countries' currency is worth the most and has the highest value. Includes comparisons with the British pound, the US dollar, the Euro, the Russian ruble, and more. |
Workforce Participation by Country | Data on workforce participation by country, providing insights into the percentage of the population engaged in the labor force. |
World Trade Organization (WTO) Countries | List of every country currently in the World Trade Organization, as well as countries that are observers, but not WTO members. Also includes brief description and history of the WTO and recent presidential administrations' stance on it. |
193 topics