Health is the state of physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This category includes metrics such as life expectancy, infant mortality rate, disease prevalence, and access to healthcare. There are also articles covering abortion, drug use, and vaccination status.
158 topics
Article | Description |
911 by Country | A complete list of emergency phone numbers for police, fire, and ambulance in more than 230 of the world's countries and territories, including landline and mobile phone numbers. The most common emergency numbers used internationally are 112, 911, and 999. |
Abortion in Muslim Countries | Data and information on the views on abortion in Muslim countries, as well as when abortion is allowed according to the Muslim faith. |
Abortion Rates by Country | Detailed data on abortion rates by country, offering insights into the prevalence of abortion procedures across different nations worldwide. |
Access to Clean Water by Country | |
ACTN3 Gene by Country | |
ADHD Rates by Country | Information and analysis about the rate of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in various countries of the world. |
Age of Menarche by Country | |
Age of Menopause by Country | |
Alcoholism by Country | Detailed data on alcoholism by country, offering insights into the prevalence of alcohol consumption and related issues on a global scale. |
Allergy Rates by Country | |
Alzheimer’s Rates by Country | Data and analysis on the countries with the highest rates of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in the world, including the answer to the question Which country has the most Alzheimer's cases in the world? |
Anorexia Rates by Country | |
Antidepressant Use by Country | Data and analysis about antidepressant use per country, including which countries use the most antidepressants and global attitudes toward depression. |
Anxiety Rates by Country | |
Asthma Rates by Country | |
Autism Rates by Country | Detailed overview of autism rates by country, highlighting both the top ten countries with the highest and the lowest autism rates. |
Average Birth Weight by Country | Data and analysis on the average birth weight by country, including which countries have the highest average birth weight and which countries have the lowest average birth weight. What is the average birth weight by country? Find out here. |
Average Girth Size by Country | |
Average Sleep Time by Country | |
Baldness by Country | Information on baldness by country, including which parts of the world have the highest rates of balding, which countries have the highest rates of baldness, and countries with the most baldness. |
Beard Genetics by Country | Data on beard genetics by country, including which country's people have the best beard genetics, which country can grow the best beards, and which country's men are least likely to grow a beard. |
Best Countries for Rhinoplasty | Information on the best countries for rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job. Which countries give the best nose jobs? Which countries offer the cheapest nose jobs? What are the best countries for plastic surgery? Find out here. |
Best Healthcare in the World | List of countries ranked according to the quality of their healthcare systems, with a ranking from various sources including which country has the best and which country has the worst healthcare in the world. |
Birth Defect Rates by Country | |
Birth Rate by Country | Data on the birth rate by country, highlighting both top ten countries with the highest and lowest birth rates per 1000 people. |
Blind Population by Country | |
Blood Type by Country | Comprehensive overview of blood type by country, providing data on the most common blood types across various nations. |
Breast Size by Country | Interesting information on breast size by country, providing insights into variations in breast size across different nations including data on the average cup size and average BMI. |
Breastfeeding Rates by Country | Data and information on breastfeeding rates by country, including which countries breastfeed the most, the breastfeeding rate in the United States, which country has the highest rate of breastfeeding, and why breastfeeding is recommended. |
C-Section Rates by Country | Data on the rate of C-sections per country, including countries with the most C-sections, countries with low C-section rates, and which countries have the most Cesarean deliveries per year. |
Cancer Rates by Country | Information about cancer rates by country, including which countries have the highest rates of cancer, which countries have the lowest rates of cancer, and which countries have the most cancer. |
Cancer Survival Rates by Country | Comprehensive analysis of cancer survival rates by country, offering valuable insights into the variations in cancer care and outcomes among different countries. |
Cervical Cancer Rates by Country | |
Childhood Obesity Rates by Country | |
Chlamydia Rates by Country | |
Circumcision by Country | List and details on the percentage of circumcised males in countries around the world. |
Colon Cancer Rate by Country | |
Coronavirus by Country | Comprehensive overview of the coronavirus by country, providing various statistics including confirmed cases, deaths, and other relevant data, offering insights into the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. |
Cost of Insulin by Country | Detailed data on the cost of insulin by country, offering insights into the affordability of this essential medication for managing diabetes across different nations. |
Countries by IQ - Average IQ by Country | Interesting data on the average IQ by country, offering insights into the average intelligence levels of populations through various tests and sources. |
Countries That Use ASL | Information on which countries use ASL, or American Sign Language, as a form of communication with and for those with hearing disabilities. |
Countries Where Euthanasia is Legal / Where Is Euthanasia Legal in {year}? | Details regarding which countries offer legal euthanasia and the specific criteria that patients must meet in order to be legally euthanized. |
Countries with Paid Sick Leave | List of countries that have paid sick leave, including details on which countries offer paid sick leave and countries where workers get paid sick leave. |
Countries with Polio | Data on countries in which the disease polio is still a considerable concern. |
Countries with the Most Car Accidents | Information on which of the world's countries have the most traffic accidents, including discussion of the leading causes of traffic accidents. |
Countries with Universal Healthcare | List of countries with universal healthcare, providing valuable information on nations where healthcare coverage is accessible to all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status. |
COVID Vaccines by Country | Comprehensive overview of COVID-19 vaccine distribution by country, detailing the progress of vaccination campaigns worldwide and the availability of vaccines in different nations. |
Death Rate by Country | Brief overview of death rate by country, presenting data on mortality rates across different nations, highlighting the top ten countries with the highest death rates per 1000 people. |
Dementia Rates by Country | Data and analysis on dementia rates by country, including which countries have the highest rate of dementia, why dementia is more common in developed countries, and why dementia rates are increasing. |
Depression Rates by Country | Detailed data on depression rates by country, presenting data on the prevalence of depression across different nations and the total number of cases. |
Diabetes Rates by Country | Comprehensive data on depression rates by country, offering insights into the prevalence of depression across different nations |
Doctor Pay by Country | |
Doctors per Capita by Country | Data on the number of doctors per capita in various countries, including countries with the most doctors per capita and countries that have the most doctors per capita. |
Down Syndrome Rates by Country | |
Drug Use by Country | Data and statistics on drug use by country, including which countries have the highest drug use, countries that use the most drugs, and which country is the drug capital of the world. |
Dyslexia Rates by Country | |
Eating Disorders by Country | |
Eczema Rates by Country | |
Epidural Rates by Country | Information and statistics on the rate of epidurals in each country, including epidural rates by country, countries with the highest epidural rates, and countries that perform the most epidurals. |
EpiPen Price by Country | Details on the price of EpiPen epinephrin injectors by country, including countries with the cheapest EpiPen prices and countries where the EpiPen costs less than in the U.S. |
Erectile Dysfunction Rates by Country | |
European Obesity Rates by Country | |
Excess Covid Deaths by Country | |
Flu Vaccination Rates by Country | Data on rates of flu vaccination per country, alternately stated as per-country flu vaccination rates and flu vaccination rates by country, including which countries have the highest rate of flu vaccinations. |
Food Poisoning Rates by Country | |
Food Self Sufficiency Rate by Country | |
Food Waste by Country | Data on the level of food waste per country, alternately stated food waste by country and per-country food waste, including which countries waste the most food. |
Global Hunger Index by Country | |
Gluten Intolerance by Country | Data on gluten intolerance by country, including countries with high gluten intolerance, countries with low gluten tolerance, and the country with the highest gluten intolerance in the world. |
Hand Washing Rates by Country | |
Health Care Costs by Country | Detailed overview of healthcare costs by country through the years, providing valuable information on the expenses associated with healthcare services across different nations. |
Health Care Wait Times by Country | Detailed overview of healthcare wait times by country, offering a comparative analysis of the duration individuals have to wait for medical services in different nations. |
Healthcare Spending by Country | |
Healthiest Countries | Comprehensive overview of the healthiest countries around the world, highlighting the top ten healthiest countries worldwide including what is the healthiest and which one is the least healthy country in the world. |
Heart Disease Rates by Country | Details on rates of heart disease per country, including countries with the highest rate of heart disease and countries with the lowest rate of heart disease. |
Hip Replacement Cost by Country | Data and comparisons of hip replacement cost by country, including which countries charge the most for hip replacements, countries in which hip replacements are expensive, and countries with the highest hip replacement costs. |
HIV Rates by Country | Comprehensive overview of HIV rates by country, offering insights into the prevalence of HIV/AIDS across different nations worldwide, highlighting profiles of countries with the highest HIV percentages. |
Home Birth Rates by Country | |
Hospital Beds by Country | |
Hospitals per Capita by Country | |
HPV Rates by Country | |
Human Development Index (HDI) by Country | Listings and analysis of the HUman Development Index (HDI) score for more than 180 countries. |
Humira Cost by Country | |
Hunger Rates by Country | |
Hypertension Rates by Country | |
Hysterectomy Rates by Country | |
ICU Beds per Capita by Country | Data and statistics on the number of ICU beds per capita by country, including countries with the most ICU beds, countries with the most hospital beds, and countries with the fewest ICU beds. |
Inbreeding by Country / Consanguinuity by Country | Data on the frequency of inbreeding/consanguinuity by country, including countries where inbreeding is common, countries in which inbreeding is uncommon, and the country with the highest rate of inbreeding in the world. |
Infant Mortality Rate by Country | Comprehensive overview of the infant mortality rate by country through the years, showcasing the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births across various nations, including the top ten countries with both the highest and lowest rates. |
Intersex People by Country | Statistics on the number of intersex people in each country, including a definition of the term intersex, the percentage of intersex people per country, and countries with the most intersex people. |
Lactose Intolerance by Country | A brief overview of lactose intolerance by country, offering insights into the prevalence of lactose intolerance across different nations worldwide. |
Legatum Prosperity Index | Details and rankings of each country's place in the Legatum Prosperity Index, including their rankings in more than a dozen subcategories. |
Life Expectancy by Country {year} | Details on the countries with the world's longest life expectancies, countries with the world's shorted life expectancies, and the difference between 'life expectancy' and the more specific 'healthy life expectancy (HALE)'. |
Life Expectancy in Africa | |
Life Expectancy in Asia | |
Life Expectancy in Europe | |
Life Expectancy in North America | |
Life Expectancy in South America | |
Liver Cancer Rates by Country | |
Lung Cancer Rates by Country | Rates of lung cancer in various countries, including factors that influence lung cancer rates. Learn important facts about lung cancer, the second-most-common cancer in the world. |
Malaria Rate by Country | |
Malnutrition Rate by Country | Statistics on the rate of malnutrition in various countries of the world. Includes information on countries with the highest rate of malnutrition, the global rate of malnutrition, and the causes of malnutrition. |
Maternal Mortality Rate by Country | Brief overview of maternal mortality rates by country through the years, offering insights into the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in various nations. |
Miscarriage Rates by Country | |
Mosquito Deaths by Country / Deaths Caused by Mosquitos per Country | Statistics on the number of deaths caused by mosquito bites in various countries. Includes data on global mosquito-related deaths, countries with the most mosquito-related deaths, and techniques used to prevent and treat mosquito-related deaths. |
Most Cocaine Use by Country | Details on the percentage of people in each country who use cocaine, an illegal, yet widely available drug. |
Most Obese Countries | Detailed data of the most obese countries, detailing the prevalence of obesity in various nations, highlighting the top countries with the highest rates of obesity. |
Neonatal Mortality Rate by Country | Brief overview of neonatal mortality rate by country, providing data on the number of deaths within the first 28 days of life when the children are most vulnerable. |
Norovirus Countries | |
Nurse Vacancies by Country | Brief overview of nurse vacancies by country, providing insights into the availability of nursing positions across different nations. |
Nurses per Capita by Country | Brief overview of the nurses per capita by country, providing data on the number of nurses and midwives per 1000 people. |
Obesity Rates by Country | Detailed overview of the obesity rates by country, highlighting both the top ten most and least obese countries in the world. |
Opiate Usage by Country | Data and statistics on opiate usage by country with different categories showed in percentage of the country's total population, including which country has the highest opiate usage. |
Organ Donation Rates by Country | |
Osteoporosis Rates by Country | |
Past Life Expectancy by Country | Detailed overview of past life expectancy by country through the years, including which country has the oldest life expectancy in the world. |
Paternity Leave by Country | Comparisons of how each country handles paternity leave for expectant fathers, including detailed descriptions of the duration, compensation, and other features of paternity leave in many countries. |
Percentage of Bald Males by Country | Information on the percentage of bald men in each country, including the country with the highest percentage of bald males and the country with the lowest percentage of bald males. |
Pharmaceutical Exports by Country | Brief overview of the pharmaceutical exports by country, showcasing the total value of exported pharmaceutical products, including what country exports the most pharmaceuticals. |
Plastic Surgery by Country | Statistics on which countries have the most plastic surgery around the world, from the country with the most rhinoplasties (nose jobs) to the country with the most breast implants. |
Preterm Birth Rates by Country | |
Pro-Natalist Countries / Countries with Low Birth Rates | Information on countries with low birth rates, also known as pro-natalist countries, and the policies they employ in an attempt to increase their birth rates and avoid population decline. |
Prostate Cancer Rates by Country | |
Rabies-Free Countries | List of countries that are free of rabies, countries in which rabies is under control but not eradicated, and countries where rabies is still a high-risk disease. |
Safe Drinking Water by Country | Data on the level of contaminants in drinking water around the globe. Includes information on which countries have the safest drinking water and which countries have the least access to clean drinking water. |
Schizophrenia Rates by Country | |
Skin Cancer Rates by Country / Melanoma Rates by Country | Statistics and information on the rate of skin cancer, or melanoma, for various countries. Includes the top five countries with the highest rate of skin cancer. |
Smoking Rates by Country | Data and analysis of smoking prevalence worldwide, providing insights into which countries have higher or lower rates of smoking among their populations. |
Snake Bite Deaths by Country | Information on the number of snake bite deaths per country, including which continent has the most snakebite deaths, the number of snakebites that are poisonous, and which continent has the most snakebite deaths. |
Spanish Flu Deaths by Country | Details of the number of Spanish Flu deaths by country, including number of deaths from Spanish Flu and Spanish Flu fatalities per country. |
Sperm Donation Laws by Country | Comprehensive overview of sperm donation laws by country, providing information on the allowed recipients, donor anonymity, donor limits, and donor payments. |
Starvation Deaths by Country | Details of countries that lead the world in starvation deaths and countries in which starvation remains a major concern. |
STD Rates by Country | Detailed overview of sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates by country, providing comprehensive statistics and analysis on the prevalence of STDs across different nations. |
Stem Cell Research Trials by Country | Brief overview of stem cell research by country, highlighting the total number of trials including what country is leading in stem cell research. |
Stillbirth Rates by Country | |
Stomach Cancer Rates by Country | |
Stunting Rates by Country | |
Suicide Rate by Country | Detailed data on suicide rate by country, offering insights into the prevalence of suicide across different nations. |
Swine Flu Deaths by Country | Information on deaths by swine flu in various countries, including which country had the most swine flu cases and deaths, as well as the number of deaths caused by the 2009 Swine Flu epidemic. |
TB Rate by Country / Tuberculosis Rate by Country | List of countries ranked by their frequency of tuberculosis, including the 30 high-burden tuberculosis countries, which account for approximately 86% of all new TB cases. |
Teenage Pregnancy Rates by Country | Data and analysis on the frequency of teen pregnancies in various countries, as well as info on which countries have the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the world, such as Niger, Mali, and Angola. |
Testosterone Levels by Country | Details on countries with high testosterone, comparisons of testosterone levels in developing and developed countries, and discussion of factors impacting testosterone levels. |
Toiletless Countries | |
Total Fertility Rate | Comprehensive overview of the total fertility rate by country around the world, highlighting the top 15 countries with the highest fertility rate by birth per woman. |
Tuberculosis Deaths by Country / TB Deaths by Country | Statistics on the number of deaths in each country due to tuberculosis (TB), as well as details on the symptoms of tuberculosis and individuals who are most at risk of developing TB. |
Unhealthiest Country in the World | |
USMLE Pass Rate by Country | Brief overview of the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) pass rates, including which country has the highest USMLE pass rate. |
Vaccination Rates by Country | Detailed data on vaccination rates by country, providing data on various vaccines such as BCG, DTP3, HIB3, and many more. |
Vaccine Mandates by Country | Information on the types of vaccine mandates present in certain countries, including countries where some vaccines are mandatory and which professionals are required to get vaccinated. |
Vagina Size by Country | |
Veganism by Country | Information on the prevalence of veganism and the number of vegans and vegan dietary options in various countries. |
Vegetarianism by Country | Information on the prevalence of vegetarianism and the number of vegetarians in various countries, including the percentage of vegetarians in many countries. |
Water Fluoridation by Country | Brief overview of water fluoridation by country, offering data on both the total population and percentages of populations consuming fluoridated water. |
Which Countries Practice Female Circumcision in {year}? | List and information on countries in which the practice of female circumcision, also called female genital mutilation, is still followed. Includes details on the four types of female circumcision. |
Which Country has the Best Doctors {year}? | Medical data on which country has the best doctors, the different areas in which various countries excel, and the factors that make doctors good. |
WHO Funding by Country | Statistics regarding funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), including information on which countries provide the most funding for the WHO and details of the WHO's mission and purpose. |
Yellow Fever Countries | Comprehensive overview of yellow fever countries, providing data on the total reported cases through the years. |
Zika Virus Countries | Brief overview of Zika virus countries, providing information on Zika mosquitoes present, but no reported cases, No Zika-spreading mosquitoes, and current or past transmission but no Zika outbreak. |
152 topics