Politics/Government Topics

Politics refers to the activities associated with the governance, including decision-making, policy formulation, and implementation. This category includes metrics such as political stability, government effectiveness, corruption, and representation. It also includes articles on political ideologies, electoral systems, and civil society engagement may also be considered.

166 topics

African Union Countries {year}List of all 55 member countries of the African Union, as well as details of the organization's history, former members, and currently suspended members.
Anarchy Countries
Apostille Countries
ASEAN Countries | Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Autocratic CountriesData and analysis on the world's autocratic countries, what is an autocratic country, and examples of autocratic countries and leaders.
Autonomous Areas by Country
Banana Republic CountriesInformationon banana republic countries, including which countries are banana republics, the definition of a banana republic country, and how to identify a banana republic country.
Brexit Vote by CountryData and analysis on the Brexit vote by country, including how each U.K. country voted on Brexit, which U.K. countries wanted to leave the European Union, and which U.K. countries voted against Brexit.
BRIC Countries / BRICS Countries
British Commonwealth CountriesDetailed list of countries that make up the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly known as the British Commonwealth.
CARICOM Countries
CELAC Countries
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) Countries
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Countries
Commonwealth of NationsList and information on the countries which are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, a group of countries that were once colonies of the British Empire.
Council of Europe Countries | Countries on the Council of Europe
Countries Currently at War / Countries at WarList of countries currently engaged in armed conflict with one another or, in the case of civil wars, with non-government forces within their own borders.
Countries in the UN / Countries in the United Nations {year}List of every country that is currently a member or non-member observer in the United Nations.
Countries Never Colonized
Countries Not in the United Nations
Countries Shutting Down the Internet
Countries that Hate Each Other
Countries that Have Left the EU
Countries that Recognize IsraelData and information about the countries that recognize Israel's sovereignty and the countries which do not recognize Israel.
Countries that Recognize KosovoDetailed information about which countries recognize Kosovo, which countries do not recognize Kosovo, and countries that recognized Kosovo and have since withdrawn their recognition.
Countries that Recognize Palestine
Countries that Recognize TaiwanDetailed list of the countries that officially recognize Taiwan and the years relations were established, as well as the countries that do not recognize Taiwan and why. Also explains the complex relationship between Taiwan and China.
Countries with Border Walls
Countries with Constitutions
Countries with Female Leaders
Countries with Mandatory VotingList of countries in which voting is mandatory, including countries with mandatory voting and voting-mandatory countries.
Countries with Open BordersA definition of and information about open borders, counties that have open borders, and various alternate types of national border, such as closed borders, conditionally open borders, and controlled borders.
Countries with PresidentsFull list of every country that has a president, as well as information about presidential systems vs semi-presidential systems vs parliamentary systems.
Countries with Proportional Representation
Countries with Royal FamiliesList of countries whose governments include, and may be headed by, a monarch and his/her royal family.
Countries Without Government
Countries Without Political Parties
Countries Without Postal Codes
D8 CountriesList of countries who have signed the D8 agreement, which was established in 1997.
DACH Countries
Democracy Countries
Democracy Dictatorship Index by Country
Democracy Index by Country
Democracy Ranking by Country
Democratic Socialist Countries
Dictatorship Countries
E2 Treaty Countries
Effective Number of Parties by Country
Electoral Systems by Country
Electronic Voting by Country
Embargoed Countries
Eurozone Countries
Fascist Countries
Federal States
Five Eyes Countries
Fragile States Index
Freedom Indices by Country
Freely Associated States
G7 Countries
G8 Countries
G10 Countries
G11 Countries / Group of Eleven Countries {year}List and details of countries in the Group of Eleven, alternately called the G11.
G15 Countries / Group of 15 Countries {year}List and details of countries in the Group of 15, also known as the G15
G20 Countries
G33 CountriesList of countries that have signed the G33 agreement.
G90 Countries / Countries in the Group of 90List and details of countries in the Group of 90, alternately known as the G90.
G-24 Countries / Group of 24 Countries {year}List and details of the countries in the Group of 24, alternately known as the G-24 (often abbreviated G24).
G-77 Countries / Group of 77 Countries {year}List and details of countries in the Group of 77, also known as the G-77 (often abbreviated G77).
Gallagher Index by Country
GCC CountriesThe GCC, of Gulf cooperation Council, is an alliance of six nations located in the Persian Gulf: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
Global Entry Countries
Government Budget by CountryBrief overview of government budget by country including data for both gross national expenditure and gross capital formation.
Government Size by Country
Government System by Country
Green Card Lottery Countries
Highest Paid Government Leaders in the WorldList of countries with the highest-paid government leaders, which countries have the highest-paid government leaders, and which government leaders are the highest paid.
How many Countries are in the World Bank in {year}?List of countries that are members of the World Bank, including years each country joined the World Bank, total number of countries in the World Bank, and World Bank countries.
International Solar Alliance
Is China a Socialist Country in {year}?Details on whether China is a socialist country, including why China is a socialist country, what makes China a socialist country
Land Border Count by Country
Land Reforms by Country
Least Corrupt Countries
Libertarian Countries
List of Countries in the European Union
Major Countries
Melanesian Spearhead Group
Mercosur Countries
Monarchy CountriesList of and details on countries whose governments are monarchies
Most Conservative CountriesA brief overview of the most conservative countries based on various factors, providing insights into conservatism around the world.
Most Corrupt Countries
Most Hated CountryDetails on the most hated country in the world, including the world's most hated country and answering the question: Which country is the most hated in the world?
Most Liberal CountriesComprehensive data on the most liberal countries which are characterized by their openness to new opinions and behaviors beyond traditional beliefs and values, including a list of the top ten most liberal countries by MoveHub.
Most Patriotic Countries
Most Powerful CountriesAnalysis of the most powerful countries around the world, based on various factors such as military strength, economic influence, and diplomatic power.
Multiple Capital Countries
Nationalizations by Country
NATO CountriesList of countries who are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), we well as the next countries that are planning to join NATO in the near or distant future.
NATO Spending by Country
Neutral Countries
Newest Countries
Nine Eyes Countries / 14 Eyes Countries / Five Eyes CountriesA definition of the international 'Nine Eyes' intelligence-sharing alliance, a list of the nine-eyes countries, and an overview of the past and present of the nine-eyes coalition.
Non-Schengen CountriesA full list and detailed analysis of non-Schengen countries in Europe, as well as reasons why those countries have either turned down the Schengen agreement or not been extended the chance to become Shengen countries.
OECD CountriesLists countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), along with the date of their accession to the organization.
OFAC CountriesList of countries sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control known as OFAC, providing insights into nations subject to economic or trade restrictions due to national security concerns, terrorism financing, or other reasons considered harmful to U.S. interests.
Oligarchy Countries
OPEC CountriesDetailed definition, history, and list of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its member countries both official and unofficial.
Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Countries
P5+1 Countries / E3+3 Countries / Countries in the JCPOADetails of the countries of the P5+1 agreement, alternately known as the E3+3 countries and the countries of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
Paris Climate Agreement CountriesList of Paris Climate Agreement countries with the date the agreement was signed and the date confirmation was submitted.
Periphery Countries
Police Spending by CountryOverview of total police spending by country, along with interesting insights related to this topic, like which police carry guns, the total number of police officers, and others.
Political Prisoners by CountryDetails on the number of political prisoners being held in various countries, including the countries with the most political prisoners in the world.
Political Risk Index by Country
Political Stability by Country
Political Term Limits by Country
Polity Data Series by Country
Polynesian Leaders Group
Protected Land by CountryBrief overview of protected land by country, highlighting percentages of protected land within each nation throughout the years.
Public Sector Size by CountryBrief overview of the public sector size by country, offering percentages of the workforce employed in the public sector.
Quad Countries
Rebelling Countries
Republic Countries
Ruling Political Parties by Country
SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Countries
Satellite Nations
Schengen CountriesA full list of countries that belong to Europe's Schengen Area, which enables free movement across borders.
Small Islands Developing StatesBrief overview of Small Island Developing States also known as SIDS, providing insight into the history and challenges of SIDS including UN recognition and geographic region of member nations.
Social Welfare Spending by Country
Socialist Countries
South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone
Sovereign Nation
Sovereign Wealth Funds by CountryComprehensive overview of sovereign wealth funds by country, offering insights on investment funds owned and operated by a national government including which country has the most sovereign wealth fund.
TAA Compliant Countries
Theocracy Countries
Third World CountriesDetailed list of countries that classify as Third World countries, including history and definition of the term Third World and its related terms, First World and Second World.
Titles of Leaders of CountriesInformation on the titles of the heads of government in various countries. The titles of government leaders change considerably from one type of government and one dominant religion to another.
Total Aid to Ukraine by Country
Totalitarian Countries
TPS Countries
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries
Trust in Government by CountryDemographic details on public trust in the government throughout various countries. Includes profiles of the country with the highest level of trust in government and the level of government trust in the United States.
Unitary States
United States AlliesList of countries considered political allies of the United States, as well as a list of countries considered to be enemies of the US.
United States Involvement in Other CountriesHistoric list of scenarios in which the United States became involved, either politically, economically, or militarily, in the affairs of another nation.
Unrecognized CountriesInteresting overview of the unrecognized countries worldwide, providing various information such as official country names, other claimants to territory, UN member status, level of recognition, and additional details.
Unwritten Constitution Countries
US Enemy Countries / Enemies of the United StatesList of countries generally considered to be political enemies of the United States, including profiles that outline the causes for their international animosity.
V Dem Democracy Index by Country
Veto Power Countries / Countries with UN Veto PowerInformation on which countries have veto power on the United Nations Security Council, including the definition of veto power and examples of when veto power has been used.
Voter Turnout by CountryData and information on voter turnout all over the world, including countries with the highest voter turnout in the world, countries with the lowest voter turnout in the world, and good and bad reasons for high or low voter turnout.
Voting Age by Country
Voting Rights by Country
War Torn Countries
Warsaw Pact Countries
Welfare States
What Countries Have States in {year}?
What Country has the Highest Paid Government Leader in {year}?Details on countries with the highest-paid government leaders, including which government leaders make the most money and which countries pay their government leaders the most.
Where-to-Be-Born Index by Country / Where to Be Born IndexDetailed description of the Where-to-Be-Born Index (alternately written as the Where to Be Born Index), including a list of the best countries to be born in and the methodology used by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) when compiling the index.
Which Countries Have Authoritarian Governments in {year}?Details on what makes a government an authoritarian government, as well as a list of countries with authoritarian governments.
Withholding Tax Rates by Country
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
World Superpowers
World War 3 Countries
14 Eyes Countries
911 by CountryA complete list of emergency phone numbers for police, fire, and ambulance in more than 230 of the world's countries and territories, including landline and mobile phone numbers. The most common emergency numbers used internationally are 112, 911, and 999.

State Politics/Government Topics

194 topics

Abortion Bans by State
Abortion Rates by State
Age of Majority by State
Airbow Legal States
Alabama Rig Legal States
Alcohol Laws by State
Alcohol Tax by State
Alcohol Vaporizer Legal States
Aldermen by State
Alkaline Hydrolysis Legal States
Ammunition Limits by State
Anonymous Lottery States
Assault Rifle Legality by State
Assisted Suicide States
At-Will Employment States
Autism Benefits by State
Axolotl Legal States
Ayahuasca Legal States
BAC Limit by State
Bad Check Laws by State
Balance Billing Laws by State
Ban the Box States
Bath Salts Legal by State
Baton Legal States
Beastiality Legal States
Bellwether States
Best State to Be a Police Officer
Best States for Gun Owners
Bet365 Legal States
Betcha Legal States
BetMGM Legal States
BetOnline Legal States
BetRivers Legal States
Biden Approval Rating by State
Binary Trigger Legal States
Blue States
Blue Wall States
Body Armor Laws by State
Body Camera Laws by State
Bovada Legal States
Buckshot Legal States
Caesars Legal States
Capitol Buildings by State
Castle Doctrine States
Caucus States
Closed Primary States
Commonwealth States
Concealed Carry Reciprocity States
Concealed Carry States
Constitutional Carry States
Correctional Officer Salary by State
COVID Vaccine Mandates by State
Death Penalty States
Debt by State
Delegate Count by State
Deportation Statistics
Deregulated Electricity States
Disability Benefits by State
Donor States
Duty to Inform States
Duty to Retreat States
Early Voting States
Electoral Votes by State
Eligible Voters by State
ERA Ratification States
ESPN Bet Legal States 2024 / Barstool Sportsbook Legal States
Exit Tax by State
Federal Aid by State
Federal Firearms Licensees by State
Federal Government Employees by State
Federal Land by State
Federal Spending by State
FEMA Locations by State
Food Stamp Benefits by State
Foster Care Stipend by State
Free College Tuition for Seniors by State
Free Government Phones by State
Free States
Gas Taxes by State
Governor Salary by State
Governor Term Limits by State
Gun Laws by State
Highest Taxed States
Hollow Point Legal States
How Many States are Needed to Ratify an Amendment in {year}?
How Many States Did Reagan Win?
How Many States Did Trump Win in 2016?
Income Tax by State
Independent Voters by State
IRS Workers by State
IVF Coverage by State
Least Free States
Least Taxed States
List of US Presidents by Home State
List of Vice Presidents by State
Lockdown by State
Medicaid Enrollment by State
Medicaid Expansion States
Minimum Wage Increases by State
Most Conservative States
Most Corrupt States
Most Democratic States
Most Free States
Most Gerrymandered States
Most Independent States
Most Liberal States
Most Libertarian States
Most Republican States
National Guard Benefits by State
National Popular Vote by State
Native American Reservations by State
Nexus by State
Ninth Circuit States
No Income Tax States
Non Extradition States
Number of Representatives by State
Obama Care Prices by State
Open Carry States
Open Primary States
PACE Programs by State
Pension Friendly States
Planned Parenthood Abortions by State
Police Killings by State
Police Officer Salary by State
Police Officers by State
Police Pensions by State
Political Parties by State
Poll Closing Time by State
Presidential Battleground States
Prison Population by State
Prison Spending by State
Property Taxes by State
Public Land by State
Real ID Compliant States
Recidivism Rates by State
Red Flag Laws States
Red States
Registered Voters by Party
Registered Voters by State
Registered Weapons by State
Retirement Taxes by State
Sales Tax by State
Sales Tax on Clothing by State
Same Day Voter Registration States
SBA Loan List by State
Secession States
Senators by State
Shall Issue States
Single Party Consent States
Sixth Circuit States
Social Security Disability Benefits by State
Social Security Number by State
Social Security Tax States
Squatters Rights by State
SREC Prices by State
SSI Payment Amounts by State
Stand Your Ground States
State Abbreviations
State Budgets by State
State Defense Forces by State
State License Plate Laws
State Militias by State
State Powers
States that Don't Tax Military Retirement
States that Don't Tax Pensions
States with No Property Tax
States with the Most Counties
States Without Counties
States Without Obamacare Exchanges
States without Sales Tax
Swing States
TANF Benefits by State
Tax Burden by State
Tax Rates by State
Taxes by State
Tenth Circuit States
Tiktok Ban States
Trump Approval Rating by State
Unemployment Benefits by State
Union States
Unmarked Police Car Laws by State
VA Benefits by State
Vote by Mail States
Voter ID Laws by State
Voter Turnout by State
Voters by Race By State
Voting Age Population by State
Welfare Drug Test States
Welfare Recipients by State
Welfare Time Limit by State
Winner Take All States
Worst Prisons by State
Worst School Districts by State
Young Voters by State