Netherlands Flag


Western Europe
Largest Cities:
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague

Total Population
Population Rank
Density (km²)
118.1K 0.79%
Annual Population Growth

Population of Netherlands

Netherlands's population structure shows a nearly equal male to female ratio of 0.99 to 1, with a median male age of 41.46 years old and a median female age of 43.38 years old. The highest concentration of adults under 75 years old is in the 54 and 55 year-old age groups, while the lowest concentration is in the 74 and 73 year-old age groups.

Netherlands Population

Data after 2022 is projected based on recent change

Netherlands Population Clock

Netherlands Population*
Births per Day
Deaths per Day
Immigrations per Day
Net Change per Day
2025 Population Change*

* As of 2/12/2025

1 birth

Every 3.0 minutes

1 death

Every 3.1 minutes

1 immigrant

Every 5.0 minutes

1 person

Every 4.8 minutes

Population by City

2025 Pop.
The Hague474,292
Almere Stad176,432

Netherlands Overview

“The Kingdom of the Netherlands” is its official name, and what the locals call “koninkrijk der Nederlanden” is an integral part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The country is often called “‘Netherlands” or in Dutch, “Nederland.” The north and western areas of Netherlands border the North Sea. It has Belgium to its south and on its east is Germany. It also shares the Maritime Borders with Belgium, Germany and the UK; these borders are the theoretical boundaries drawn to separate the Earth’s water surface areas.

According to the statistics of 2013, Netherlands contributes to about 0.24% of the total world population, which makes it the 62nd most populated country in the world. The majority of its people are Dutch. According to July 2013 estimates, the country had a total population of 16.73 million. These statistics are generated by the census authority in Netherlands. The name of this statistical agency is “Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.”

Netherlands Demographics

The Netherlands is the 27th most densely populated country of the world, concentrated over the country’s 41,526 square kilometers of surface area. The population is distributed as follows: 17.4% in the 0-14 age group, 67.7% in the 15-64 age group, and 14.9% in the age group of 65 and over.

The ratio of males to females is 0.98 male / female. This ratio at birth is 1.05 males / female; under the age of 15, it is again 1.05 males per female; in the age group 15-64 years, 1.02 males / female; and for the 65+ age group, it is 0.75 male / female.

The population is largely Dutch, comprising 79.3% of the total population. They are the major ethnic group of the country. Other ethnics that are minorities here include: Europeans comprising 5.7% of the population, the Turks comprising 2.4%, Indo-Europeans with 2.3% of the population, Moroccans at 2.2%, Surinamese with 2.1%, Caribbeans at 0.9%, Poles at 0.6%, Chinese at 0.3%, Iraqis at 0.3%, and some other ethnic groups that comprise the remaining 3.9%.

Netherlands Religion, Economy and Politics

The religions that are practiced by the population of the Netherlands are varied, let’s take a look at the World Factbook stats from a 2015 estimate: Roman Catholic 23.7%, Protestant 15.5% (includes Dutch Reformed 6.5%, Protestant Church of The Netherlands 5.7%, Calvinist 3.3%), Islam 4.9%, other 5.7% (includes Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish), and no affiliation at 50.1% of the population.

The Netherlands has an extremely robust economy and is the 18th largest in the world- which is very impressive for a country of only 17 million. More than 25% of the EU’s natural gas supply comes from the Netherlands, and the industry has been the country’s strongest since the discovery of their supply in 1959. Their economy is knowing for having a high GDP per capita ($48,860 US dollars), low unemployment, and great international relations.

There are a few factors that one can examine to gain a better understanding of the quality of life in any country. Here, healthcare, literacy, and improved access to water and sanitation will be explored. In terms of health, 10.9% of the national GDP is spent on the healthcare sector, resulting in a fair density of resources - there are 3.48 physicians available per 1,000 residents and 4.7 hospital beds available per 1,000 individuals within the population. 100% of the population has access to clean drinking water, yet still 2.3% of the population struggle with access to improved sanitation facilities. When we turn to literacy, 99% of the population over the age of 15 is literate, and this likely results partly from a 5.5% GDP expenditure in the education sector.

Netherlands Population History

The population has seen significant growth during the last few decades. The census held in 1960 reported a total population of 11,461,964. This number grew over the years at a very high rate. Another census taken in 1971 reported a population of 13,060,115 people, but after that, the high growth rate started to decrease. Over the years, only 3 decades later, another census held in 2002 reported a total population of 16,105,285. The growth rate has been relatively slow ever since and currently is reported to be at 0.39% according to the latest census held in 2011 and has held the same through the 2017 estimates.

Is Holland a Country?

If you are wondering, “is Holland a country,” Holland is a country located in Western Europe. It is situated in the Northwestern area of mainland Europe. Most people know Holland as the Netherlands. Holland and the Netherlands are two names for the same area. Even though Holland is technically the western province of the country, most people use the two names interchangeably. Both names go back a long time, and many people call this country Holland because it is easier to pronounce.

Is Amsterdam in Holland?

Yes, Amsterdam is located in Holland. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. It is a major economic center in Europe. Even though most people associate Amsterdam with cannabis use, there is a lot more to the city. First, most places throughout Europe have decriminalized marijuana. Second, Amsterdam is also known for its delicious restaurants, its tremendous history, and its friendly people.

Does Holland Have Beaches?

Yes, Holland has plenty of beeches. The Netherlands is situated on the coast, so there is easy access to the water. The water can get very cold during the winter; however, it is also refreshing during the summer. There are lots of aquatic activities that take place on the coast of Holland. Lots of people like to go sailing, surfing, and swimming. It can also be nice to relax in the sun.